The Secretary has bookkeeping and computer skills and has been working for the society since 1992. She is also proficient in spoken and written St̓át́imcets.
The Web Designer Marcel AdrianThe Web designer has multi-media experience on the computer(ie. video, desktop publishing) and he has worked off and on for the Society for approximately 20 years.
Appointed Board Members
Elected Board Members
Nwxísten Carl Alexander
Cácl̓ep Pauline Michell
Tsalálh Ida Mary Peter
T̓ít̓q̓et Marilyn Napoleon
Sekwelwás Lloyd Narcisse
Lloyd Narcisse (President)
Kwimtsxn John (Vice President)
Susan James (Treasurer)
At Large
The Board of the Society comprises 11 directors, six appointed from the St̓át̓imc communities and five elected. Some of the Board members work in the field of education, some are fluent in the St̓át̓imc language, some are political leaders in their communities and many are knowledgeable.