January 2008
St’át’imcets Revitalization Project
We are pleased to announce the completion of phase one of our St’át’imcets - FirstVoices Language Archiving Project.
USLCES has developed a partnership with FirstVoices for this St’át’imcets Revitalization project to support distance language learning. FirstVoices provides online Aboriginal Language Resources and technical support to Aboriginal language groups. The partnership with FirstVoices has begun the on-line archiving of Northern St’át’imcets dialects. The St’át’imcets pages are now available to the public. USLCES staff have entered and made available to the public over 800 words and over 300 phrases, two short stories, two original St’át’imcets songs and other language learning resources on the website. The project is now available for viewing at the First Voices Website:
We gratefully acknowledge the financial and technical support provided by
In addition, we are grateful for the continuing support of the Lillooet Tribal Council.